Yep, we’ve been at this a while. It was hard to boil these down to just 10, but we think these are the most important insights to emerge from over 100 client engagements.
Check out this guide to learn how to build your own Customer Journey Map.
1. 10 Key Insights from 15 Years of Customer Journey Mapping Case Studies January, 2015
2. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Client Mailing costs were skyrocke2ng, and manual processes made campaign planning difficult and inefficient Diagnos2c across four lines of business; shared services team built around 19 CX ini2a2ves Automated 30% of manual processes; reduced employee over2me; increased program effec2veness 1. Your investment in CX must link directly to key business results • Have a clear story line that arDculates the criDcal business results to how the new/improved processes, capabiliDes and customer centricity will deliver your business enhanced performance. 2 Company Challenge Approach Results Uncontrolled spending on marke2ng materials with no automa2on or insight into what works and what doesn’t Developed process flows around campaign management; developed DAM program; implemented Aprimo Increased sales revenue including marke2ng aLribu2on program, decreased manual costs; developed Best Customer program Key Learning: EliminaDng waste is one of the most common benefits of Customer Journey Mapping and DiagnosDcs Key Learning: Refining processes around markeDng communicaDons provides guidance into what really works and what doesn’t
3. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Organiza2onal silos prevented a seamless experience for Eye Care Professionals Journey Mapping revealed many opportuni2es for coordina2on among departments Improved rela2onships across Lines of Business; BeLer process and integra2on of communica2ons 2. Don’t underesDmate the importance of comprehensive execuDon • The most frequent failure point is driven by organizaDons underesDmaDng the key success factors that must be executed well 3 Company Challenge Approach Results Client realized CRM technology plan would not work without a Go-‐to-‐ Market Strategy and clearer understanding of Needs/Objec2ves & Business Requirements Organiza2onal assessment across Sales, Marke2ng and Service to determine gaps in CRM efforts Immediate improvement in Sales/ Marke2ng rela2onship leading to higher u2liza2on of each other’s capabili2es Key Learning: Journey Mapping is a management and communicaDon tool bringing together diverse groups with the customer at the center Key Learning: Walking in each others’ shoes as well as the customers’ brings clarity to key objecDves behind technology implementaDons
4. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Needed to drive automaDon and consistency across mulDple storefronts, online and across communicaDons channels Growing pains required a measured approach over a 3-‐5 year period as new resources and tools came online Developed ini2a2ves to close gaps; priori2zed these according to impact on customer and company, and 2me/ cost to implement 3. Build a 3 year roadmap which delivers results in Year 1 • Customer Journey Mapping o]en exposes quick wins that achieve immediate successes upon which to build for the future 4 Company Challenge Approach Results Help desk customer sa2sfac2on at all 2me low; FAQ’s and informa2on hard to find, inaccurate and conflic2ng Formal diagnos2c process included reviews of people, process, technology and data across mul2ple product lines/divisions Customer Sa2sfac2on Increased by measurable amount; Lowered cost to manage content reduced 3 head count Key Learning: Take a crawl-‐walk-‐run approach to CX iniDaDves; quick wins can be very powerful to build momentum Key Learning: CX problems can seem overwhelming but a concentrated diagnosDc can reveal concrete steps to improvement
5. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Wireless compe22on heavily impac2ng land line and business customer revenue streams; limited skills for customer focused strategy/ planning/tac2cs Developed training program around customer centricity for both B2B & B2C departments, championed by execs Focus on growth, reten2on & win-‐back led to increase of 35% in sa2sfac2on survey 4. Senior management leadership involvement is imperaDve • You need full buy-‐in from all global and regional leadership regarding the scope of both Dme and financial investment; there needs to be significant socializaDon and visibility by execuDve leadership. 5 Company Challenge Approach Results Company needed to compel leaders of each unique property to buy into a centralized customer experience strategy Customer centric diagnos2c and journey mapping brought key best prac2ces and common challenges to the table Created corporate Center of Excellence to facilitate CX improvements; used quick wins to fund broader ini2a2ves Key Learning: Leaders who are commi`ed to improving CX realize that it is a company-‐wide effort, not just a markeDng thing Key Learning: A strong focus on enabling diverse teams to listen to and aid each other leads to a cascade of successes both internal and external
6. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal One-‐size-‐fits-‐all approach to broker community led to lackluster sales of vision insurance; vision was a give-‐ away and not considered a strategic benefit Developed data-‐driven Broker personas in order to create a differen2ated contact strategy Personas implemented across the Broker database; Precision marke2ng plan in place with improved results 5. Know yourself well • You need full buy-‐in from all global and regional leadership regarding the scope of both Dme and financial investment; there needs to be significant socializaDon and visibility by execuDve leadership. 6 Company Challenge Approach Results Company needed to compel leaders of each unique property to buy into a centralized customer experience strategy Customer centric diagnos2c and journey mapping brought key best prac2ces and common challenges to the table Created corporate Center of Excellence to facilitate CX improvements; used quick wins to fund broader ini2a2ves Key Learning: To truly understand your buyers, you must look within your own data, then idenDfy gaps and opportuniDes Key Learning: A strong focus on enabling diverse teams to listen to and aid each other leads to a cascade of successes both internal and external
7. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Internal company communica2ons hopelessly broken; 70 SharePoint Sites with no overall management/ governance Formal diagnos2c process included reviews of people, process, technology and data across mul2ple divisions Improved employee sa2sfac2on; stronger focus on cri2cal informa2on and processes 6. Start with process and reporDng – finish with “shiny objects” • Plofng out broken processes and creaDng future state narraDves helps drive change management. Knowing what you need and communicaDng it clearly ensures that new process can be adopted 7 Company Challenge Approach Results Company iden2fied major gaps in customer sa2sfac2on with loan products; needed process and communica2on guidance to improve customer experience Created detailed level 1-‐4 process maps, aligned with strong connec2on between process and narra2ve Process narra2ves and templates replaced other tools to create a standard approach; improved sa2sfac2on rates Key Learning: New tools on top of broken process simply won’t work and may result in high cost of employee turnover Key Learning: Clear goals and plans for communicaDng new processes and standards are criDcal to achieving real change
8. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Marke2ng team managed over 40 authors with disparate web sites and programs; high degree of frustra2on with web and e-‐ commerce tools Recommended several ini2a2ves, but had to create a realis2c road-‐ map to solve biggest pain points first Several quick hits to improve upsell/cross sell iden2fied; tool improvement began with email, moved on to e-‐commerce & web 7. Don’t try to boil the ocean. • Be willing to brutally prioriDze to avoid overwhelming complexity 8 Company Challenge Approach Results Company had strong behavior-‐based segmenta2on in place, but no cohesive contact strategy that included partners. This resulted in millions of emails sent per week with no real priori2za2on Selected several campaign types to op2mize; tested various scenarios for addi2onal learning and to prove the business case Improved results with new set of priori2za2on rules; proved the case for op2miza2on; provided deeper insight into customer base Key Learning: The amount of change needed may be overwhelming, but quick wins are crucial to building and sustaining momentum Key Learning: It will always feel like you are trying to catch a speeding train. Small movement forward will have an important impact, and you can chip away at your pain points piece by piece
9. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Outdated technology for Marke2ng and CRM required upda2ng; complex design included 48 data feeds and numerous lines of business customiza2ons Developed processes, use cases and data inputs / outputs; ensured IT buy in via the Solu2ons Design and PMO teams Implemented Marke2ng Automa2on/Campaign Engine and Analy2cs solu2on; ini2ated precision marke2ng strategy 8. Spend sufficient Dme fully vefng partners • Ensure your key partnerships are fully ve`ed against your business needs and that they have experience in your parDcular need set; many CX implementaDons fail due to people/chemistry issues 9 Company Challenge Approach Results Exis2ng Sales Tracking system not sophis2cated enough, crea2ng the need for significant manual efforts; no automated systems to support marke2ng Worked with Sales Process team to develop requirements for CRM/Sales Force Automa2on RFP; evaluated over 30 tools Chose two vendors that already had a strong partnership, leading to a joint implementa2on that produced results immediately Key Learning: Ensure all internal stakeholders are heard so that you have a clear set of requirements for your future vendor/partner Key Learning: SomeDmes it won’t be just one partner or vendor who can fully meet your needs; find companies who have already forged their own partnership for CX success
10. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Client had many point solu2ons and mostly manual processes; strategy to put the customer first included strong desire for metrics Developed detailed priori2zed plan to close technology gaps star2ng with new ESP, and adding data to customer database Developed more comprehensive data collec2on & usage; started A/B tes2ng & formal reten2on program 9. Just the right amount of measurement and reporDng • Dashboards should provide a common framework and discipline for your global enterprise and should display business results, customer impera2ves and marke2ng effec2veness metrics 10 Company Challenge Approach Results Client’s membership was not growing, especially in the the 50-‐60 segment. Opinion of the brand was declining. Renewal rates were declining. Created touch inventory to understand current experience, highlighted quan2ty, quality & cadence of touches for a year in a member life Successfully highlighted gaps in the CX that harmed the relationship and led to attrition; showed need to integrate more data to make every touch more effective Key Learning: Metrics for the sake of metrics are not useful unless they De back to the customer experience Key Learning: Make sure the right hand knows what the le] hand is doing. Look at all customer communicaDons in the aggregate across lines of business to ensure the cadence makes sense
11. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal Create integrated data warehouse for 28+ owned firms including auto dealerships, retail, banking, telcom, etc. Combined different technologies and approaches into a single source of truth Developed more comprehensive data collec2on & usage; developed CRM insights across all companies 10. Be prepared for technical difficulDes • Global implementa2ons bring an uneven technology landscape and technical/analy2cal skills. 11 Company Challenge Approach Results Many companies combined databases with vastly different levels of sophis2ca2on, cleanliness, etc. Created standards and procedures to get all organiza2ons on the same page; allowed for individual company nuances Despite limited IT resources, worked with technology partners to achieve a phased approach to success Key Learning: A step-‐by-‐step managed process can ease the growing pains of a significant technology change. EducaDon & change management are criDcal tools to use along the way. Key Learning: Bringing in partners is a good way to shore up limited resources during a major implementaDon
12. ©2014 suitecx – ConfidenDal 12 INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE Deep exper2se with similar environment travel & hospitality, loyalty rewards programs, marke2ng, CRM/CXM COLLABORATIVE We don’t “do it for you”, we “work with you” and adapt to your environment EXPERIENCE Our founders each bring over 20 years mul2-‐discipline consul2ng exper2se and best prac2ces from all major CRM / CX agencies: Peppers & Rogers Group, KPMG, Accenture, McKinsey & Company, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Coopers & Lybrand, Bearing Point, Wunderman, SWAT Team Partners, Experian And we can also bring consul2ng and client side prac22oner CRM creden2als: We understand day to day P&L pressures STRATEGY THROUGH EXECUTION Our sorware reflects our knowledge and breadth of our experience Customer insights meet data and technical execu2on Psychology meets Technology QUICK WINS & LONG TERM IMPACT We understand the need to put wins on the board INNOVATION We were at the incep2on of customer experience mapping HOLISTIC RECOMMENDATIONS People, Process, Data, Technology & Change Management WYSIWYG We won’t bait with experience and switch to junior teams SUSTAINABLE KNOWLEDGE We aim to build self-‐sufficiency in our clients and broaden the Customer Experience discipline Its not a job – it’s our PASSION! Our Value ProposiDon: The Right Technology, The Right Team
13. @custoholic Thank You