Getting Started with Segmentation

It can be daunting to face the challenge of making the most of customers in transactional databases. This challenge is made worse by that shiny new marketing automation license sitting up in the cloud, peering down like a Grecian god, targeted campaign thunderbolts in hand. …

Critical Questions

CX professionals are hearing a lot about Customer Journey Mapping these days, but with each new wave of ideas, there comes confusion surrounding it. As expert practitioners of journey mapping for over 15 years, we aim to clear up some of the confusion with this …

Karmic Networking

What is networking? What is Karmic Networking? View Document

Introduction to SuiteCX and The East Bay Group

SuiteCX brings robust customer journey mapping and strategic scenario planning together for superior customer experience design and execution. By providing customizable journey mapping, customer experience assessments and data driven insights, we help you design, visualize and deliver the optimal customer experience that engages the customer …

Webinar – A SuiteCX Briefing

One of our most frequently asked questions is: How to approach experience mapping? This video of a recent webinar addresses a few of the questions we have heard over the years: What business aspects should you address using journey mapping efforts? Should it be a …

Time to REALLY think differently about customer experience…..

Over the last 10 years I have seen many attempts by teams to engage with their companies customer experience and how they have failed, the discipline (emerging as it is) is still being dominated by old thinking – ‘wow’ your customer, be ‘customer centric’, ‘transform’ …

Approaches to Customer Journey Mapping

There are many approaches to Customer Journey Mapping, just as many different company cultures are looking to use this valuable tool to improve their customer experience. We presented this content at the 2016 CXPA Members Insight Exchange.