Customer Journey Mapping: Balancing Customer and Company Needs to Drive Business Outcomes  

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While research has proven that a focus on improving customer experience directly impacts the bottom line, achieving the organizational and cultural change required to become fully customer-centric is not an easy process. It is critical to get all key departments aligned on your customer experience strategy.

suitecx Thought Leadership: Balancing Customer Needs
1. 1. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx  Inc.   September  23,  2015   Customer  Journey  Mapping:   Balancing  customer  and  company  needs  to  drive  business  outcomes   In  2013  Harley  Manning  and  Kerry  Bodine  at  Forrester  Research  released  the  book   Outside   In:   The   Power   of   Puttng   Customers   at   the   Center   of   your   Business.     Turning   the   focus   of   customer   experience   from   an   internal   view   based   in   processes,   resources   and   efficiencies   to   an   outside   view   grounded   in   customer   needs  and  preferences  was  a  radical  approach  to  business  strategy.    Now  many   companies  are  scrambling  to  catch  up. While   research   has   proven   that   a   focus   on   improving   customer   experience   directly  impacts  the  bottom  line,  achieving  the  organizational  and  cultural  change   required  to  become  fully  customer -centric  is  not  an  easy  process.    It  is  critical  to  get  all  key  departments  aligned  on  your  customer  experience  strategy.   The   most   effective   method   to   achieve   this   alignment   is   to   conduct   a   Customer   Journey   Mapping   exercise.     Seeing   your   customer’s   perspective   at   every   touch   point  with  your  company  is  often  a  powerful  motivator  for  change.    However,  each   department  head  who  participates  in  the  exercise  will  bring  his  or  her  own  biases  and   agenda   to   the   table.   They   will   have   distinct   assumptions   about   what   customers   are   doing,   thinking   and   feeling   at   any   stage   of   the   relationship   regardless  of  the  reality.     It  is  all  too  easy  to  slide  into  complacency  when  it  comes  to  relying  on  internal   data   and   assumptions   to   guess   at   the   current   state   customer   experience.     However,  unless  you  engage  with  your  customers  directly,  you  can  never  be  sure   whether  that  data  is  the  right  data  or  whether  those  assumptions  are  correct.    In   fact,  despite  today’s  digital  focus,  up  to  70%  of  your  customers’  interactions  may   not  even  be  tracked  or  visible  to  your  company! The  customer  experience  is  built  on  all  aspects  of  your  business.    Factors  include  :   product/service   quality,   reliability,   desirability,   availability,   trustability   and   brand   reputation,    are  all  which  are  variable  factors  in  determining  the  success  or  failure   of  a  given  interaction.    As  the  customer  interacts  with  your  brand,  there  are  needs     Thought Leadership “When  you’re  in  [a]   retail  location,  tell  a   fellow  customer   that  you’re  an   employee—as  well   as  a  customer–  and   that  you’d  love  to   know  if  they  found   what  they  needed   on  that  visit,  and   how  easy  or  hard   [it]  was.    Asking   might  feel  awkward   at  first,  and  some   customers  might   refuse.    But  many   will  welcome  the   opportunity  to   provide  feedback.” -‐-‐  Excerpt  from   Outside  In that   are   not   necessarily   directly   expressed,   which   can   have   a   big   impact   on   customers’   satisfaction   with   the   outcome.    For  example,  you  could  have  the  most  responsive  call  center  in  your  industry,  but  the  customer  might   prefer  if  your  product  performed  so  well  that  they  never  had  to  place  a  call  into  the  call  center  in  the  first  place. It   is   critical   that   you   find   a   balance   between   what   you   know   to   be   internal   challenges   and   what   customers   are   indicaMng  are  their  prioriMes.    The  only  way  to  achieve  this  balance  is  to  ask  the  customer  directly  what  they  need   and  value  most  from  your  company.    This  may  sound  like  a  scary  prospect,  since  usually  when  customers  provide   feedback  they  expect  you  to  act  on  it.
2. 2. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx  Inc.   September  23,  2015   About  suitecx® Backed  by  over  120  years  of  combined  experience  in  customer  experience  consulting,  suitecx  is  a  set  of  software  tools   that  allow  users  to  make  fact  based  decisions  and  process  improvements  that  are  grounded  in  the  customer  experience.   Customer-‐centric  diagnostics,  touch  inventories,  journey  maps,  customer  storytelling  and  precision  marketing  are  all   components  of  this  groundbreaking  software. Customer  Journey  Mapping:   Balancing  customer  and  company  needs  to  drive  business  outcomes   What  Businesses  Want:  Efficiency  &  Effectiveness   Thought Leadership There  are  several  ways  to  understand  what  your  customers  really  think  about  you.    You  can  observe  customers  as   they  engage  with  you  –  online,  in  person  or  over  the  phone.    You  can  conduct  Voice  of  Customer  surveys  intended  to   highlight  moments  of  truth  and  points  of  pain.    You  can  even  put  on  the  customer  hat  yourself  and  engage  with  your   own  company  the  way  an  average  customer  would.    Most  often,  customers  are  quite  happy  to  tell  you  exactly  how   they  feel  about  doing  business  with  you  and  what  they  would  like  to  experience  in  the  future. You  need  to  invest  your  valuable  human  and  financial  capital  in  improvements  that  are  meaningful  to  your   customers  and  beneficial  to  your  bottom  line.  Use  customer  and  employee  facing  input  to  fuel  your  journey  map  at   each  phase  of  the  customer  lifecycle.  Be  sure  to  look  across  the  enterprise  to  include  everyone  who  impacts  the   customer:  supply  chain,  legal,  training,  HR,  billing,  delivery,  service,  etc.  Each  needs  to  be  involved  in  creating  a   better  customer  engagement  plan.     Customers  want  what  they  want,  when  they  want  it  and  via  their  preferred  channel.    Moreover  they  want  it  to  be   easy  to  do  business  with  you.  They  expect  to  be  treated  as  valuable  individuals  regardless  of  actual  spend.      It’s   important  to  ensure  that  you  engage  with  your  customers  in  a  coordinated,  thoughtful  and  organized  fashion,  with   the  intent  to  act  on  their  feedback.  Doing  this  regularly  enables  you  to  walk  the  walk  and    help  transform  your   enterprise  into  a  truly  customer-‐centric  culture. Supply  Chain       Product   Delivery     Analy6cs   Security     &  Fraud   BUSINESS VALUE LURE   AEracFve   Desirable   High  Quality   OPPORTUNITY   Ease  of  Purchase   Price/Value   Reliability   SERVICE   Hassle  Free   Simple   Painless   VISCERAL   IntuiFve   DelighRul   Habitual   CUSTOMER   NEEDS What  Customers  Want:  L.O.V.E.