Last partial application release 2.14
Interface 2.004 – API 2.0
Server migration
Updated all server libraries to the newest; faster 8 processor servers. SuiteCX has moved several of our customers from Chicago to Vinthill and Hillsboro in a modest upgrade of servers. The new servers have greater throughput and the newest code assets. The new servers have the latest software libraries and dozens of scans to monitor performance and security. This further distributes our instances for faster recovery when the web is down given outages.
- Performance/quality upgrade
- UX experience
- Improved security
SuiteCX preforms our annual vulnerability and penetration testing
SuiteCX tech team performs several tests each year to see how safe we are keeping our customers. We use third parties to scan our ports so we can keep all unused services closed.
- Performance/quality upgrade
- Improved security
External / Internal Link Click-Through
View mode and PDF printing allow for external and internal link click through from IPoints. We are making this feature available to all our customers. This allows practitioners to program “View Only Guest Experience” to click-through to your internal documents or content management system or to click through to internal SuiteCX maps or analytics screens. This makes IPoints change their normal behavior and click through to a target – imagine clicking through from map to map or from a map to VOC or recommendations.
- Customer request
- Improved practitioner output
- Improved third-party communications
- Improved storytelling
- Innovation
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