Governance in Customer Journey Mapping

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CEM/CJM Governance is a process focused on managing the quality, consistency, usability, security, and availability of your overall CEM strategy as well as for the building blocks such as VOC/VOE/Journey Maps and CEM Dashboards.

Check out this guide to learn how to build your Customer Journey Map.

Governance in Customer Journey Mapping (TRANSCRIPTION)
1. 1. Governance  in     Customer  Journey  Mapping   March,  2015
2. 2. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Customer  Journey  Mapping  Governance  is  at  the  top  of  the  maturity  curve     Source:  DataFlux Unaware Reactive Proactive Predictive People,  Process,  Technology  Adoption Reward Risk CJM  Architecture CJM  Management CJM  Governance
3. 3. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  are  some  governance  models  CX  teams  are  using  to  manage  their  journey   mapping  efforts?   • This  is  our  maturity   model  based  on  what   we  see  CX  teams  doing:   Model   Graphic   Criteria Independent   regional  centers  of   excellence Like  coordinated  hub  and  spoke  but   used  in  larger  corps  with  multiple   divisions  and  different  markets,  allows   for  flexibility  for  local  markets.   Common  mapping  tools  and  metrics.   Some  common  training  at  basic  levels.   Coordinated   Regional  Centers  of   Excellence   Combines  decentralized  and   centralized.  Cross  functional  team   helps  BU,  geography,  divisions,  etc.   thru  training,  support  and  education.   Common    data  teams.  Common  HR   hiring  policies.  Common  metrics.   Center  of  Excellence   across  Bus  Units   Centralized  team  by  Bus  Unit.  Common   definitions  and  metrics.  Collaboration   across  locations.  Common  mapping   technology  .  Common  metrics  and   training.  Establishes  standards,  data   and    tech  platforms  across  enterprise.    Customer  Centric   Center  of  Excellence   by  BU Centralized  team  which  establishes   some  common  technology,  processes,   metrics,  data    and  customer  experience   governance.  Center  of  excellence   managed  by  Cust  Exp  person  from  BU Decentralized   Journey  Governance   Dispersed  groups  working  on  journey   mapping.  No  common  tools  or   process.  Governance  is  focused  on   enhanced  data,  process  innovation  and   new  customer  metrics.   Level  of  maturity
4. ti. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  -‐  Strategy   CEM/CJM  Governance  is  a  process  focused  on  managing  the  quality,  consistency,  usability,  security,  and   availability  of  your  overall  CEM  strategy  as  well  as  for  the  building  blocks  such  as  VOC/VOE/Journey   Maps  and  CEM  Dashboards     Committng  an  organization  to  implement  a  robust  CEM/CJM  governance  strategy  requires  a  plan  that  follows  a   well-‐defined  and  proven  methodology.    It  should  include  the  following  main  areas  of  focus:       Defining  the  holistic  governance  process     This  is  the  key  in  enabling  monitoring  and  reconciliation  all  of  the  incoming  CEM  data  from  all  of  its  sources  and   consumers  that  are  presented  in  a  map.  The  CEM    governance  process  should  cover  not  only  the  initial  CEM   Experience  inputs  and  Maps  but  also  the  ongoing  inputs,  input  standardization,  and  aggregation  activities  along   the  path  of  the  end-‐to-‐end  lifecycle/info  flow.       Implementing  a  tool  suite   Design,  select,  and  implement  a  set  of  CEM/CJM  management  and  delivery  suite  of  tools.       Enabling  auditability  and  accountability   Auditability  works  hand  in  hand  with  accountability  of  CEM/CJM  management  and  delivery  actions.   Accountability  requires  the  creation  and  empowerment  of  several  CEM/CJM  governance  roles  within  the   organization  including  owners  and  stewards.    It  is  very  similar  to  the  process  and  structure  around  data   governance  which  is  a  more  mature  capability  in  many  companies
5. 5. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  scope     Data  Quality   Data  Planning   Data  Management   Data  Governance   Data  &  Technology   Roadmap   Initiative   Management Agile  Development   Measurement  &   Metrics Process   Customer  Strategy Experience  Design Omni-‐channel   Personalization Metrics  &   Measurement Marketing  &   Communications Organizational   Priorities Training   Project   Management People    Resources/ skills Organization  &   People
6. 6. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  scope:  Organization  &  People     Organizational  Priorities Training   Project  Management People    Resources/Skills •  Describes  the  level  of   mutual  collaboration  among   departments  and   recognition  of  the   responsibility  to  govern  the   customer  experience  at   different  levels  of   management   •  Single,  enterprise-‐level   customer  experience  effort   •  Well  understood  escalation/ issue  resolution  process   •  Planning  and  executing  on   CJM  governance  training   •  Ensuring  information   sharing  and  integration   •  Training  around  CJM   governance  is  the  written   articulation  of  desired   organizational  behavior   •  The  best  and  most  cost-‐ effective  place  to  assure   customer  data  quality  is  at   the  source.     •  Make  sure  you  have  tools/ checks  in  place  at  each   customer  interaction  point   that  is  consistent  with  the   training   •  Model  long-‐term   consequences  before   deploying   •  Connect  business  goals  and   programs  with  customer   experience  initiatives   •  Management  of  consistent   and  structured  creation  and   updating  of  journey  maps   •  Ensuring  data  inputs  (VOC/ VOE/VOI)  are  consistent,   current  and  credible   •  Ensuring  data  outputs   (Findings,   Recommendations,   Initiatives  and  Roadmap)   are  kept  up  to  date  and   socialized  with  executives   •  Build  governance  skill  sets   into  every  department  and   every  level   •  Ensure  the  customer   experience  is  at  the  heart  of   all  goals  and  metrics
7. 7. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  scope:  Process     Roadmap   Initiative  Management Agile  Development   Measurement  &  Metrics •  Development  process  by   which  requirements  and   solutions  evolve  through   collaboration  between   cross-‐functional  teams.     •  It  promotes  adaptive   planning,  evolutionary   development,  early  delivery,   continuous  improvement,   and  encourages  rapid  and   flexible  response  to  change.   •  Design  ensures  maximum   flexibility  and  integration   •  Design  for  maximum   searchability  and   visualization     •  Not  only  should  metrics  be   gathered  at  each  interaction   point,  but  at  a  meta-‐level  as   well   •  Ensure  metrics  are  timely   and  relevant       •  Validate,  validate,  validate!   •  Focus  on  most  painful  areas   of  the  customer  experience   and  measure  improvements   •  Use  quick  wins  to  gain   support  for  the  more   difficult  initiatives   •  Measurement  is  not  a  one-‐ time  activity.  Journey  maps   should  be  updated  and   compared  over  time   •  Collection  of  all  prioritized   initiatives  that  emerge  from   the  journey  mapping   process   •  Creation  and  maintenance   of  initiative  charters  that   contain  associated   resources,  tasks,  costs,   dependencies  and  business   rules     •  Ongoing  management  of   initiative  timing  and   alignment  with  CX  goals  &   metrics   •  Management  of  each   initiative  for  improvement   that  comes  from  the   journey  mapping  process   •  Ensure  initiatives  are   coordinated  and  are   constantly  re-‐examined   based  on  CX  goals  and   metrics   •  Flexibility  and  adaptability   are  critical  as  the  customer   experience  gets  re-‐ evaluated  over  time
8. 8. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  scope:  Data  &  Technology     Data  Quality   Data  Planning   Data  Management   Data  Governance   •  Includes  storage,   performance,  redundancy,   disaster/recovery,   distribution,  etc.   •  A  systemic  policy-‐based   approach  to  information   collection,  use,  retention,   and  deletion.     •  Data  management  requires  a   strong  partnership  with  the   business   •  Inventory  data  across  its  life   from  capture  to  deletion   •  Ability  to  determine  which   source  of  “Customer”  is  the   most  accurate  and  current.   This  should  then  become  the   primary  source  for   “Customer”.   •  Methods  to  measure,   improve,  and  certify  the   quality  and  integrity  of   customer  data   •  Data  Quality  has  three  major   tasks:     •  Enforcing  consistent,   compatible  data  standards;   •  Eliminating  errors  like   duplicate  or  erroneous   records   •  Creating  the  basis  for   drawing  sensible,   meaningful  conclusions   from  a  data  warehouse   •  The  best  and  most  cost-‐ effective  place  to  assure  data   quality  is  at  the  source   •  The  methodology  by  which   customer  data  is  identified,   qualified,  quantified,   avoided,  accepted,  mitigated,   or  transferred  out   •  Data  lifecycle,  including   temporary  or  transactional   data  vs.  long-‐term  customer   data  points  that  don’t  or   rarely  change  over  time   •  Data  that  is  used  by  many   processes  and  impacts  many   processes  if  it  is  wrong   •  Managing  many  business   requirements  across   departments   •  The  organizational  processes   for  monitoring  and   measuring  the  value,  risks,   and  efficacy  of  Governance   •  Compliance  with  data  privacy   laws  across  countries  of   operation   •  Address  risks  from  a   compliance  perspective  with   common  data  repositories,   policies,  standards  and   calculation  processes   •  Well  defined  change   management  process   •  Well  defined,  actionable   roles  and  responsibilities  for   all  governance  roles
9. 9. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CJM  Governance  scope:  Marketing  &  Service     Customer  Strategy Experience  Design Omni-‐channel  Personalization Metrics  &  Measurement •  Single  version  of  the  truth,  an   inventory  of  all  customer   interaction  points   •  Use  best  practice    methods   and  tools  to  create  common   definitions  for  customer   journey  lifecycles,  channels,   etc.     •  Collaborate  across  multiple   disciplines  to  get  a  complete   view  of  the  customer   experience  –  don’t  neglect   HR,  Finance,  Legal,  etc.   •  Look  across  channels  to   ensure  a  consistent  and   relevant  customer   experience   •  Capture  customer   preferences  wherever   possible  and  ensure  tools   and  processes  are  able  to   deliver   •  Create  data-‐driven  personas   to  target  communications   more  effectively  in  the   future   •  Success  metrics  are  defined   and  measured  for  CJM   governance   •  The  process  by  which   customer  interactions,   including  associated  data   and  assets  are  qualified  and   quantified  to  enable  the   business  to  maximize  value.   •  Business  intelligence  (incl.   data  mining,  KPis,  Balanced   SCs,  competitive   intelligence)   •  Business  Intelligence  and   knowledge  management   •  Data  visualisation  and   modeling   •  Conduct  internal  audits  to   ensure  your  company   strategy  is  one  that  is   customer  centric  and  data   driven   •  Measure  Voice  of  Customer,   Voice  of  Employee  and  Voice   of  Institution  to  get  a   complete,  balanced   understanding  of  the  current   and  ideal  states   •  Make  journey  mapping  a   core  tenet  of  your  customer   experience  discipline
10. 10. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  are  some  new  roles  and  skills  required  to  govern  journey  mapping   efforts?     Depending  on  the  size  of  the  company  the  roles  are  similar  to  those  in  Data  and  Audit   governance:     Who  They  Are   • Both  Business  and  IT  professionals   • Well-‐respected  and  influential  within  the  organization   • Thought  Leaders   • Good  communicators  and  motivators   • Good  negotiation  and  mediation  skills   • Results-‐oriented   What  They  Do   • Set  priorities  as  it  relates  to  CX  an  CJM   • Ensure  actionable  efforts  and  ROI  is  tracked   • Manage  expectations   • Facilitate  Business/IT  Communications   • Set  policies  that  govern  inputs  and  usage  for  the  entire  enterprise
11. 11. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  are  some  new  roles  and  skills  required  to  govern  journey  mapping   efforts?     • CX  Council  Roles:   • A  cross-‐functional  team  consisting  of  representatives  from  Brands  and  IT  with  a  shared   vision  to  promote: • Standards • Quality  of  outputs • Accuracy  of  outputs • A  Single  Version  of  the  Corporate  Truth • CX/CJM  Information  Steward  –  They  are  responsible  for  understanding  and  maintaining  the   CX  inputs  and  CJM  artifacts,  maps  and  supporting  metrics  and  reports/initiatives   • Analyst/Architect  -‐  Knows  what  the  enterprise  needs,  evaluates  technical  options,  develops   an  appropriate  CEM/CJM  design  and  CJM  architecture
12. 12. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  results  are  companies  seeing  from  good  governance  of  journey  mapping   efforts?     • A  set  of  relatable  visualizations  that  enable  companies  to  rally  around  initiatives  and   change  to  execute  on  improved  customer  experience   • Gettng  front  line  employees  to  understand  the  need  for  change/improvement   • Actionable  initiatives  and  roadmaps  that  are  evidence  and  data  driven   • Over  time  –  metrics/dashboards  and  stats  that  reflect  improvement  (or  not)   • Trust  that  there  is  an  understanding  of  the  customers  needs  and  the  company’s  ability  to   meet  those  needs   • Connection/understanding  of  CJ  on  both  an  emotional  and  evidence  based  level     • Inputs  into  other  governance  areas  such  as  MDM,  data  management,  customer  service  etc.
13. 13. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  is  the  main  purpose  and  goal  of  your  journey  mapping  efforts?  How  does   it  fit  into  your  wider  CX  strategy?     • Our  customers  find  that  CJM  efforts  are  a  component  of  their  wider  CX  strategies:   • Delivering  great  experiences  requires  empathy  –  seeing  what  the  customers  see,  feeling   what  the  customer  feels.   • But  delivering  great  experiences  also  requires  deep  self-‐awareness.  Awareness  of  who  you   are  as  an  organization,  of  your  purpose,  values,  strengths  and  weaknesses • Journey mapping allows for collaboration and sharing to get everyone on the same page to:   Let you see exactly where and when customers experience satisfaction or pain points, moments of truth and who is most impacted and how it affects your bottom line Present data/ metrics as well as the effectiveness and value of targeted member and prospect interactions Support prioritization to highlight what’s most important’ to your customers, and understand what creates or detracts from value & drives loyalty Present how actions, offers, redemption, and accumulation affect members Show how operations and processes in one area impact the entire organization and form the basis of a longer term strategic plan to build customer value
14. 1ti. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Relationship  Optimization  Includes  Member  Experience  Design   Learning  &  Change  Management     Business   Strategy   Member   Experience   Strategy  and     Design   Process   Redesign   Member   Value     Creation  &   Loyalty   Performance   Impact  &   ROI   Metrics       Technology   &     Enablement   Organiza-onal  Alignment     Relationship  Optimization  Framework
15. 15. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   How  widespread  is  the  use  of  journey  mapping  in  your  organization?  Is  it  used   across  silos,  geographies?     • Most  of  our  clients  are  just  starting  the  journey  mapping  process  though  it  has  been  on   their  minds  for  a  long  time.    There  are  a  lot  of  silos:   • Digital  groups  are  doing  a  version  of  journey  mapping  when  they  do  path  to  purchase/ conversion  tracking • Email  marketing  teams  are  doing  the  same  thing  but  also  in  a  silo • Offline  marketing  doesn’t  do  as  much  mapping  though  it  is  interested  in  aZribution • Customer  service  does  ‘one  and  done’  tracking  in  its  own  silo • There  are  numerous  programs  such  as  VOC,  CSAT/NPS  that  also  track  a  journey  from  a   much  less  granular  level
16. 16. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   How  do  you  ensure  journey  mapping  is  delivering  ROI,  driving  change?     • C-‐Level  leadership  is  critical   • When  we  interview  successful  companies  who  do  great  Customer  Experience  we  find  that   EVERY  successful  company  has  strong  C-‐Level  support • Metrics  for  CX  and  for  change  need  to  be  developed  and  used  at  the  most  granular  level     • Ideally  at  the  interaction  point  as  end  of  relationship  or  purchase  cycle  measures  (CSAT/ NPS)  aren’t  actionable  enough  to  ID  MOTs/Pain  Points  for  improvement • You  must  create  actionable,  prioritized  initiatives  or  action  items  and  manage/track  them   just  as  you  would  any  other  set  of  Program  Management  elements   • You  must  bring  vivid  stories  to  both  your  strategic  and  front  line  customer  facing  teams  to   help  drive  change.       • As  is  and  to  be  CJM’s  are  a  key  tool  here  as  they  can  be  utilized  in  knowledge  shares,  change   management  communications  and  can  pull  the  entire  company  into  a  coordinated   approach • ROI  needs  to  be  managed  the  same  as  in  any  other  business  initiative
17. 17. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  are  some  of  the  practices  you  use  to  govern  your  journey  mapping   efforts?     • Define  the  CJM  Steward(s)   • Create  an  oversight  committee • Gather  executive  champions • Develop  policies  that  identify  who  is  accountable  for:   • CX  data  accuracy • Accessibility  of  CX  data • Consistency • Completeness  and  updating • Define  processes  for:   • How  customer  data  is  stored  in  the  journey  map • How  customer  data  is  archived/updated • How  maps  are  backed  up • How  oeen  maps  are  updated • Establish  standards  and  procedures  for  CJM  usage,  editing  and  updating   • Implement  CX  audits  and  controls  to  ensure  the  journey  map  is  current  and  credible
18. 18. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   CX/CEM/CJM  Governance  Mission/Charter  (Example)   The  Customer  Journey  Map  will  be  the  trusted,  single  source  of  truth  for  actionable  customer  experience  strategy  and   management.    It  will  enable  the  user  community  to  easily  access  the  information  they  need  to  make  more  informed,   more  accurate  and  more  timely  decisions  that  drive  profitability  and  support  corporate  priorities.     CJM  Governance  will  ensure  that:   •  CX  projects  align  with  the  long  term  vision  of  the  enterprise •  Corporate  customer  data  standards  are  followed •  CX  integrity  and  quality  are  maintained •  Resolution  of  CX  issues  that  emerge  from  the  mapping  process  are  facilitated •  An  enterprise-‐wide  business  perspective  is  taken  into  account  when  formulating  and  supporting  CX  related  technical   initiatives •  Speed  and  action  are  the  priority
19. 19. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   How  does  your  current  governance  model  help  to  ensure  consistency,  share   best-‐practices  and  ensure  clear,  long-‐term  CX  ownership?     • Single  source  of  truth   • Consistent  terminology   • Consistent  value  elements  feeding  into  ROI   • Initiatives  managed  like  other  PMO/PMI  projects
20. 20. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Has  your  company  introduced  journey  mapping-‐specific  roles?  At  what  levels?   What  are  the  skills  requirements?  Are  you  recruiting  and  training  internally  for   these?     • Highly  varied  at  this  time…    We  have  clients  with  80  people  in  a  CX  department  and  others   the  same  size  with  none…
21. 21. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   What  advice  would  you  give  a  fellow  CX  professional  when  it  comes  to   managing/governing  a  growing  journey  mapping  program?     • Get  C-Level  buy  in  –  its  an  uphill  road  if  they  aren’t  and  most  aren’t  successful  without  it   • Understand  the  total  view  of  the  Customer,  including  LTV  so  you  are  armed  with  the  facts       • Offer  a  consolidated,  enterprise  view  and  then  a  drill  down  to  an  actionable  transaction   view   • Manage  the  Customer  experience  at  all  touch  points  but  be  sure  to  keep  it  updated     • Share  information  across  the  organization  …  beyond  marketing  –  be  sure  the  C-Levels  are   informed   • Measurably  drive  success  for  the  business  at  volumes  that  matter   • Deliver  business  intelligence  to  inform  more  impactful  and  farther  reaching  business   decisions
22. 22. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   A  customer  journey  map  starts  from  the  customer’s  star-ng  point,  motivations,  and  desired  outcomes   rather  than  the  company’s   Allows  for  the  inclusions  of  customer  emotions  and  tells  a  story   Supports  “art  meets  science”   Can  visualize  a  broad  range  of  insights,  benchmarks,  data   Doesn’t  follow  a  strict  set  of  rules  (Six  Sigma)  though  it  CAN  incorporate  them   A  framework  and  set  of  guiding  principles  rather  than  a  rigid  and  inflexible  process   Advice:  Know  how  customer  journey  mapping  is  different  from  process   improvement
23. 23. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   How  do  you  see  your  journey  mapping  program  further  evolve  over  time?  How   will  governance  help  you  reach  that  level  of  maturity?     • Most  clients  start  with  a  basic  wide  and  shallow  approach  and  then  start  drilling  down  to   get  more  info  and  more  actionable  points   • Go  from  a  full  transaction  to  the  components  of  the  transaction  to  get  to  MOT’s,   accelerators,  pain  points  and    barriers   • More  people  involved  in  it   • Use  it  for  new  product  development  and  broader  uses
24. 2ti. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Advice:  Success  Drivers   Senior     Management   Commitment Organizational Readiness Skills  &   Training   Enablement     Tools  &   Technology   Funding  &   Management   •  C-Suite endorsement and participation •  Executive leadership involved in project implementation •  Success metrics defined •  Clear communications internally & externally •  Employee buy-in •  Benchmarks established •  Performance metrics are defined •  Value of loyal Member is known •  Employees receive formal training •  Rewards & recognition plan defined •  Tools and technology enablement is in place •  Processes are redefined and streamlined •  Knowledge sharing •  Projects have adequate short and long term funding •  Program management & governance in place
25. 25. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Definitions   • CX  Governance  is  the  process  by  which  companies  govern  appropriate  access  to  their   critical  data,  by  measuring  and  mitigating  operational  and  security  risks  associated  with   access  to  data.     • CX  Data  management  is  the  management  of:  data,  access  points  to  that  data  and   management  of  its  metadata  (or  definitional  meaning)  so  that  maps  and  resulting  action   items  can  be  trusted   • Data,  in  this  context,  is  any  information  captured  within  a  computerized  system,  which  can   be  represented  in  graphical,  text  or  speech  form.   • CX  Info  Quality  –  fit  for  the  purpose   • CX  Hygiene-‐  The  process  of  ensuring  that  CEM/CJM  information,  artifacts  and  data  are   accurate,  clean  and  ready  for  its  purpose   25
26. 26. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Specific  CJM  Governance  Recommendations   • Continue  close  partnership  among  departments  but  also  assign  CJM  stewardship  role  to  the  business   • Business  needs  to  take  responsibility  to  tell  other  departments  what  data  it  requires  and  when   • Hire/assign  a  CJM  steward  that  works  to  complete  maps  and  manage/update  them  over  time   • The  company  should  take  steps  to  implement  data  governance,  management,  and  quality  efforts  not   already  in  place   • CJM  Steward  should  lead  planning  efforts  (quick  hit,  short/mid/long  term)   • In  partnership  with  HR  and  IT  for,  the  CJM  steward  should  develop  training  for  all  users  on  tools  and   methodologies   • CX  business  rules  need  review  and  updating  (or  creation)  based  on  strict  standards  that  emerge  from   the  journey  mapping  roadmap   • The  customer  journey  map  should  be  the  source  of  truth  for  all  things  customer  experience  –   executives  need  to  ensure  the  steward  has  the  authority  to  manage  ongoing  customer  experience   improvements
27. 27. ©2015  suitecx  –  Confidential   Phases  to  Develop  and  Execute  a  CEM/CJM    Governance  /Quality  Program   PLANNING     Develop  CEM/CJM  Program           and  Implementa-on     Roadmap     1.  Establish  CEM/CJM  Program   objectives 2.  Assign  Roles  /  Responsibilities 3.  Create  Quality  Improvement  Process 4.  Develop  Data  Quality  Metrics   5.  Prepare  Policies  and  Business  Rules 6.  Audit  current  CEM/CJM  capabilities;   identify  and  prioritize  gaps 7.  Develop  and  prioritize  initiatives  to   close  capabilities  gaps 8.  Create  Roadmap  for  implementing   CEM/CJM  Program 9.  Prepare  Communication,  Training  &   Change  Management    Plans 10.  Identify  resource  requirements  /   business  case  (if  required) 11.  Develop  a  Program  Tracking  and   Reporting  Plan 12.  Prepare  Data  Quality  Program   documentation 1.  Measure  current  performance 2.  Establish  baseline  performance  metrics 3.  Execute  Program ti.  Continuous  Improvement  Process 5.  Roadmap  of  Prioritized  Initiatives 6.  Communication  Plan 7.  Training  Plan 8.  Change  Management  Plan 9.  CEM/CJM  Tracking  and  Reporting  Plan EXECUTION       Establish  Baseline     Performance,  and     Launch  CEM/CJM  Program   MANAGEMENT     Continuous  Monitoring,     Management  and     Improvement     1.  Monitor  ongoing  use/accuracy 2.  Measure  against  metrics  and              business  rules 1.  Assess  results    and  identify  root  causes 2.  Provide    feedback: 3.  Report  metrics,  trends 4.  Make  recommendations  to  fix          problems 1.  Improve  process  –  fix  problems 2.  Repeat
28. 28. @custoholic