Happy New Year and 1st Quarter of 2020! Rounding out last year, we listened to our customers and bundled up a handful of product enhancements and/or new features. We are in the process of rolling these out across our Customer base right now. There will be a series of YouTube videos on how to use these features in the next couple weeks and of course plenty of training. Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for these upcoming demos and how-tos; SuiteCX YouTube Channel. Be sure to Subscribe to our channel to get alerts and updates when new videos are posted. We have 3 playlists; 1 for Short Tutorials, 1 for full-length demos, 1 for thought leadership and speaking engagements.

1. View only User experience with a Guest login Account (Improvement!)
You asked for it and we listened! Not only did we listen but we wholeheartedly agreed. While it is important to keep software security at the forefront, we needed a smoother user experience for a Guest view only user. To leverage this feature, admins will set up a group Guest user account that uses the word ‘guest’ in the username. An example of this would be [email protected] w/ a simple password. Then set this Guest account user permissions to “view”. The guest user account can be shared for any user group or team that you want to share your work with and allow them to give you feedback without editing the maps or details.
Guest View only users can:
- View entire projects and click into all surveys, maps, roadmaps without editing
- Add sticky notes with comments to maps to help you evolve your work and get stakeholder feedback virtually
- Click on IPoints to see a summarized report view of all the data loaded to each touch (360 view)
- Scroll through IPoint 360 views and open any attachments or click on any URL links
- Print Maps so they can have their own copies of the work as PDF or PNG

2. Shareable view only user experience (New! Public, no login!)
In addition to creating the Guest view only user experience, we created an experience where you can share a single map or an entire project of maps for a non-SuiteCX user to view in a browser without having a login to the account or project. This one requires a couple of extra steps. With this new feature, a SuiteCX power user can set one of their story maps to ‘public’. Once you do that, you can then get the shareable URL for that public map from the Map database and email it to a non-SuiteCX user. That user can copy and paste the URL into a browser, and they will go directly to the map you shared with them. At that point, they will have the same access permissions as the logged-in Guest user in #1 above. This experience is great for a 1-time request from someone who wants a quick look at your work and who doesn’t want to be bothered with entering a username and password.
User Experience for a non-SuiteCX user when someone shares a Public map URL with them:
- View entire projects and click into all surveys, maps, roadmaps without editing
- Add sticky notes with comments to maps to help you evolve your work and get stakeholder feedback virtually
- Click on IPoints to see a summarized report view of all the data loaded to each touch (360 view)
- Scroll through IPoint 360 views and open any attachments or click on any URL links
- Print Maps so they can have their own copies of the work as PDF or PNG

Short YouTube tutorials on all these new features are coming soon! Thank you for being awesome and loyal customers of the software!
Get Started with SuiteCX!
For those of you who are already customers, these updates are already live you don’t need to do anything to receive them. However, do reach out if you’d like some one-on-one coaching with the enhancements. These changes will make your SuiteCX user experience even better. For those of you who have been on the fence about allowing SuiteCX to help you diagnose, understand, and plan your optimized customer experience, do contact us to get started with your own license!
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