Three Ways Journey Mapping Can Drive Employee Engagement

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One of the most compelling reasons to conduct a Customer Journey exercise is to get various employee representatives around the room, engaging with one another and finding ways to make positive organizational change.

You may also check out this guide to learn how to build your own Customer Journey Map.

For additional Thought Leadership on Engaging Employees visit the link below to read Advanced Systems‘ article, “How to Engage your Staff at Each Stage of the Employee Lifecycle.

Customer Journey Mapping: Three Ways Journey Mapping Can Drive Employee Engagement
1. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx Inc. December  20,  2015 Customer  Journey  Mapping: Three  Ways  Journey  Mapping  Can  Drive  Employee  Engagement Journey  Mapping,  especially  around  the  customer  experience,  is  becoming   an  ever  more  familiar  discipline.    One  of  the  most  compelling  reasons  to   conduct  a  journey  mapping  exercise  is  to  get  various  employee   representatives  around  the  room,  engaging  with  one  another  and  finding   ways  to  make  positive  organizational  change. Often,  however,  once  the  map  is  completed  and  hanging  on  the  wall,  most   organizations  simply  go  back  to  their  day-‐to-day,  and  much  of  the  powerful   insight  and  energy  dissipates.    Participants  value  the  exercise,  but  they   don’t  know  how  to  apply  it  in  a  practical,  ongoing  manner. It’s  tough  to  keep  employees  engaged.    Temkin Group  cites  the  lack  of  an   employee  engagement  strategy  as  the  biggest  challenge  among  the   companies  it  surveys  annually.    According  to  Temkin’s report,  “We   compared  companies  with  above  average  employee  engagement  maturity   with  those  with  lower  maturity  and  found  that  the  leaders  deliver  better   customer  experience  and  also  have  better  financial  results  than  their   counterparts.” Thought  Leadership “Leaders  with   above  average   employee   engagement   maturity…deliver   better  customer   experience  and   also  have  better   financial  results   than  their   counterparts.” Temkin Group  Research   Report How  can  an  organization  reach  the  desired  level  of  maturity  that  results  in  enhanced  revenue  and  happy   employees?    We  can  point  to  three  key  ways  journey  mapping  can  achieve  this  goal.   Consider  the  Employee  Journey A  GlassDoor study  conducted  in  2015  revealed  that  in  the  US  “average  hiring  times  grew  from  12.6  days   to  22.9  days  between  2010  and  2014,”  and  that  “high-‐skilled  jobs  that  require  judgment,  creativity  and   technical  skills  generally  require  longer,  more  intense  job  screening  processes.” Once  finally  on  board,  employees  arrive  with  high  expectations  for  training,  guidance  and  job  impact.     Companies  that  have  a  strong  understanding  of  their  current  state  customer  experience,  especially  those   who  have  undertaken  a  journey  mapping  program,  will  be  able  to  place  new  employees  directly  into   areas  that  have  been  earmarked  for  improvement.    Engaging  around  the  customer  experience   allows   new  employees  to  jump  right  in  and  see  meaningful  impact  from  their  efforts. Build  the  customer  and  employee  journeys  into  onboarding  and  ongoing  training A  study  conducted  in  late  2015  revealed  that  turnover  is  highest  among  highly  service-‐oriented   industries:  Banking  &  Finance  (17.4%),  Healthcare  (17.5%),  Hospitality  (27.6%)  and  Insurance  (11.7).   Companies  can  no  longer  expect  employees  to,  within  a  week  or  two,  understand  the  corporate  vision,
2. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx Inc. December  20,  2015 About  SuiteCX® Backed  by  over  120  years  of  combined  experience   in  customer  experience   consulting,  SuiteCX is  a  set  of  software  tools   that  allow  users  to  make  fact-‐based   decisions   and  process  improvements  that  are  grounded  in  the  customer   experience.   Customer-‐centric   diagnostics,  touch  inventories,   journey  maps,  customer  storytelling   and  precision   marketing  are  all  components  of  this  groundbreaking  software. Thought  Leadership buy  into  it  and  apply  it  in  their  daily  behavior.   Onboarding  and  training  need  to  be  focused  on  the   customer’s  goals,  pain  points  and  moments  of  truth  from  the  outset. Introducing  new  employees  to  the  customer  journey,  as  well  as  having  them  participate  in  their  own   journey  mapping  exercise,  is  an  excellent  way  to  ground  them  in  the  company’s  CX  vision.    In  addition,  new   employees  mean  fresh  ways  of  thinking  and  the  ability  to  bring  new  solutions  to  the  organization.   Innovation  can  begin  from  day  one  if  the  customer-‐employee  nexus  is  the  focus  of  onboarding  and  training   and  part  of  the  company  culture.   Return  again  and  again  to  the  process Improving  the  customer  experience  is  never  a  one-‐and-‐done  effort.    Therefore,  neither  should  journey   mapping  be  a  solitary  exercise.    Just  as  everything  is  in  flux  in  the  customer’s  world,  employees  can  also  get   overwhelmed  by  changes  and  lose  sight  of  the  ultimate  goal:  an  exceptional  customer  experience. A  journey  map,  especially  if  it  is  regularly  updated  and  maintained  in  a  collaborative  fashion,  serves  as  a   powerful  focal  point  to  which  leadership  can  point  again  and  again  to  reinforce  their  commitment  to  stay   the  course. Conclusion Another  recent  survey  around  customer  engagement  shows  that  belief  in  senior  leadership  is  the   strongest  engagement   driver,  while  growth  &  development  is  the  second.    If  your  company’s  senior   leadership  is  truly  committed  to  excellence  in  customer  experience  as  an  ongoing  vision,  then  employees   will  be  more  likely  to  not  only  stay,  but  show  themselves  that  commitment  in  their  every  day  activities. Sources:‐reports/employee-‐engagement-‐competency-‐maturity-‐2015/ https://research-‐‐turnover-‐rates-‐by-‐industry.html Customer  Journey  Mapping: Three  Ways  Journey  Mapping  Can  Drive  Employee  Engagement

Customer Journey Mapping: Three Ways Journey Mapping Can Drive Employee Engagement
1. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx Inc. December  20,  2015 Customer  Journey  Mapping: Three  Ways  Journey  Mapping  Can  Drive  Employee  Engagement Journey  Mapping,  especially  around  the  customer  experience,  is  becoming   an  ever  more  familiar  discipline.    One  of  the  most  compelling  reasons  to   conduct  a  journey  mapping  exercise  is  to  get  various  employee   representatives  around  the  room,  engaging  with  one  another  and  finding   ways  to  make  positive  organizational  change. Often,  however,  once  the  map  is  completed  and  hanging  on  the  wall,  most   organizations  simply  go  back  to  their  day-‐to-day,  and  much  of  the  powerful   insight  and  energy  dissipates.    Participants  value  the  exercise,  but  they   don’t  know  how  to  apply  it  in  a  practical,  ongoing  manner. It’s  tough  to  keep  employees  engaged.    Temkin Group  cites  the  lack  of  an   employee  engagement  strategy  as  the  biggest  challenge  among  the   companies  it  surveys  annually.    According  to  Temkin’s report,  “We   compared  companies  with  above  average  employee  engagement  maturity   with  those  with  lower  maturity  and  found  that  the  leaders  deliver  better   customer  experience  and  also  have  better  financial  results  than  their   counterparts.” Thought  Leadership “Leaders  with   above  average   employee   engagement   maturity…deliver   better  customer   experience  and   also  have  better   financial  results   than  their   counterparts.” Temkin Group  Research   Report How  can  an  organization  reach  the  desired  level  of  maturity  that  results  in  enhanced  revenue  and  happy   employees?    We  can  point  to  three  key  ways  journey  mapping  can  achieve  this  goal.   Consider  the  Employee  Journey A  GlassDoor study  conducted  in  2015  revealed  that  in  the  US  “average  hiring  times  grew  from  12.6  days   to  22.9  days  between  2010  and  2014,”  and  that  “high-‐skilled  jobs  that  require  judgment,  creativity  and   technical  skills  generally  require  longer,  more  intense  job  screening  processes.” Once  finally  on  board,  employees  arrive  with  high  expectations  for  training,  guidance  and  job  impact.     Companies  that  have  a  strong  understanding  of  their  current  state  customer  experience,  especially  those   who  have  undertaken  a  journey  mapping  program,  will  be  able  to  place  new  employees  directly  into   areas  that  have  been  earmarked  for  improvement.    Engaging  around  the  customer  experience   allows   new  employees  to  jump  right  in  and  see  meaningful  impact  from  their  efforts. Build  the  customer  and  employee  journeys  into  onboarding  and  ongoing  training A  study  conducted  in  late  2015  revealed  that  turnover  is  highest  among  highly  service-‐oriented   industries:  Banking  &  Finance  (17.4%),  Healthcare  (17.5%),  Hospitality  (27.6%)  and  Insurance  (11.7).   Companies  can  no  longer  expect  employees  to,  within  a  week  or  two,  understand  the  corporate  vision,  
2. suitecx ©2015,  suitecx Inc. December  20,  2015 About  SuiteCX® Backed  by  over  120  years  of  combined  experience   in  customer  experience   consulting,  SuiteCX is  a  set  of  software  tools   that  allow  users  to  make  fact-‐based   decisions   and  process  improvements  that  are  grounded  in  the  customer   experience.   Customer-‐centric   diagnostics,  touch  inventories,   journey  maps,  customer  storytelling   and  precision   marketing  are  all  components  of  this  groundbreaking  software. Thought  Leadership buy  into  it  and  apply  it  in  their  daily  behavior.   Onboarding  and  training  need  to  be  focused  on  the   customer’s  goals,  pain  points  and  moments  of  truth  from  the  outset. Introducing  new  employees  to  the  customer  journey,  as  well  as  having  them  participate  in  their  own   journey  mapping  exercise,  is  an  excellent  way  to  ground  them  in  the  company’s  CX  vision.    In  addition,  new   employees  mean  fresh  ways  of  thinking  and  the  ability  to  bring  new  solutions  to  the  organization.   Innovation  can  begin  from  day  one  if  the  customer-‐employee  nexus  is  the  focus  of  onboarding  and  training   and  part  of  the  company  culture.   Return  again  and  again  to  the  process Improving  the  customer  experience  is  never  a  one-‐and-‐done  effort.    Therefore,  neither  should  journey   mapping  be  a  solitary  exercise.    Just  as  everything  is  in  flux  in  the  customer’s  world,  employees  can  also  get   overwhelmed  by  changes  and  lose  sight  of  the  ultimate  goal:  an  exceptional  customer  experience. A  journey  map,  especially  if  it  is  regularly  updated  and  maintained  in  a  collaborative  fashion,  serves  as  a   powerful  focal  point  to  which  leadership  can  point  again  and  again  to  reinforce  their  commitment  to  stay   the  course. Conclusion Another  recent  survey  around  customer  engagement  shows  that  belief  in  senior  leadership  is  the   strongest  engagement   driver,  while  growth  &  development  is  the  second.    If  your  company’s  senior   leadership  is  truly  committed  to  excellence  in  customer  experience  as  an  ongoing  vision,  then  employees   will  be  more  likely  to  not  only  stay,  but  show  themselves  that  commitment  in  their  every  day  activities. Sources:‐reports/employee-‐engagement-‐competency-‐maturity-‐2015/ https://research-‐‐turnover-‐rates-‐by-‐industry.html Customer  Journey  Mapping: Three  Ways  Journey  Mapping  Can  Drive  Employee  Engagement